Quite a lot has happened since my last post. And its only been a few days. We are now heading in to the final countdown. Two days until the first performance of our devised piece, five until David gets here, eight until I fly back to the States and a few more after that to finish up my Christmas shopping. Lots to do. Also somewhere in there I need to write this paper.
We have been steadily progressing with the show. Everything is blocked now, and we began teching everything on Friday. Saturday we didn't have any of the tech crew there, but we did have a chance to fine tune some of the scenes and add more to others. We also ran the show from beginning to end. This was a big morale booster. I think it reminded everyone just how much work we have done in the last week. It did also remind us just how much work we need to do in the next two days, but hey you take every victory you can get. The running time is fine so we will not have to cut any more material, which I think everyone is relieved about. Reminders for myself for the upcoming week: Stay focused, stay positive, don't borrow trouble/worry.
Last night my cousin took me out to a fabulous dinner, and then a wonderful evening of chamber music. We went and saw Handel's Messiah, performed by a chamber orchestra in full period garb. It was rather fun. A little silly if you ask me, but fun. We also had seats that were basically on the stage, behind the chorus. So we couldn't really watch the soloists at all, but we did get to watch the conductor which was fun. It was nice to spend some time away from school, listen to some music not in our show, chat with other awesome people. Relax a bit. I am kind of ready for a break.
Its really interesting, when I was living on my own in Seattle I really missed being on a college campus. I missed having everyone there all the time. Now I am back in that environment, true not living on a campus but our intensive schedule produces the same effect. Its a little overwhelming to be honest. I really love the other students in our group. I enjoy working with them and I enjoy socializing with them. But I miss having other social groups too. You can tell that we are all currently a bit burnt out and stressed about our show. But since we hang out with each other all the time we don't ever get away from that stress. Ah well, it will all pass in a few days.
Really looking forward to spending time with David next weekend. To be honest I am also starting to worry about the weekend. I have a tendency to over plan, and I always want things to be perfect. However many of my great ideas for our time have fallen through. I really wanted to take him to see some theatre while he was here. It has so far proven to be impossible to get any tickets that are a) for the shows we wanted to see b) together c) within our price range or d) any of the above. I think the plans we have a made are going to be really great. We'll see some sights, check out some Christmas markets, and I am taking David to his very first Ballet, which will be lots of fun. I cant help wishing that we had more time, but I cant let that overwhelm my enjoyment of the time we do have. See what I mean about borrowing trouble?!
Today was not nearly as productive as I had hoped. Did get a little bit of reading done for my paper, but I didn't start my first draft like I told myself I would. Well that's just one more thing I can throw on the pile to worry about later. Right now my mental and physical well being trumps the paper. Plus its not due until after New Years. No problem!
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