Sunday, January 22, 2012

On the Mend

Well, finally after a long recovery process it looks like both my computer and I are on the mend. I took my computer into the lovely IT people at Central and they fixed it for me. It did take two days, which was a little sad, but as long as I have it back I don't mind. My cold however is taking much longer to kick than this virus. Still not quite back on my game vocally, but almost.

This week was full of ups and downs. This term has so far been very different than the first two. For one thing is has been very self driven. Right now we are prepping for the showcase, which means that we are all looking for scenes and music. We have spent the week breaking off on our own and scouring the library for plays, only meeting as a class every once in a while to present what we have found. I feel like I haven't seen most of my classmates at all this term. This will change next week. We have a new acting coach coming in to work with us on the scenes that we have picked so far. On Thursday we sat down and made sure everyone had two different scenes to work on, which took a quite some time to organize I might add. We are meeting as a full class three times next week to workshop these scenes. I am looking forward to seeing what everyone has found. And it will be really nice to get on my feet and do some work. Everyone has been realizing that although we started with weekly acting classes at the beginning of the year, as we started working on other projects we stopped getting that type of coaching. The devised piece was mostly focused on putting the whole show together, rather than the direction for each individual piece. So I think everyone is looking forward to getting some feedback and workshop time again.

We are all cracking down on music as well. My music binder has gotten a complete overhaul and I am working on a ton of new stuff. Still not really having much luck finding pop-y stuff to sing, but I am ok with that for the moment. At first I was feeling really unsatisfied with the music I had found to work on, but after some rethinking (dumping a few, and finding a few others) I am feeling much better. Right now my book seems to be pretty split between contemporary music and some of the more classic musicals. I did realize, when I unwittingly brought only pieces by Stephen Flaherty to a rep session, that I tend towards certain types of music. So I need to branch out from that. But for the moment, as I am searching for THE PERFECT piece to sing for showcase, I think playing towards my strengths is fine.

Also spent some time working on the music for Sunday in the Park with George. They have yet to announce who gets to audition for what, but I figure 'no work is wasted'. Plus I want to be ahead of the game once we get to auditions. I know that I am not the only one who is doing this either, so I am not worried. I am feeling pretty good about the music. I am enjoying working on it, and I think when the time comes I can do a lot with it. I just need to remind myself that there are several other things that come before this show, most of which are more important than this in the long run.

Turned in my first big paper for grad school. Woohoo! Although their hand in process is a little bit weird. First of all no one really told us what the policy was (this was a problem across the board with every MA I believe). And we all found out that apparently we are not allowed to turn in things early. So the entire school had a 1 hour window during lunch on Friday to turn in their papers. Needless to say it was a little chaotic. We were forwarded an e-mail that was sent to all of the course leaders reprimanding them for our lack of knowledge about the hand in process. I think that is more their bad than ours. Oh well. We know now I guess. The rest of the papers are due on Monday,. They are written and edited, and now all that is left is to turn them in. I will be glad to be done with this for now, although I do feel good about the paper I wrote.

Meetings for our group projects tomorrow. Should be interesting, as I know this went on everyone's back burner as we all finished the essays. We did however spend two days sitting through lectures that were supposed to help with the project. A very LONG two days. Glad that's over. It is weird, because our course is on such a different timeline than the other MA's. I think for everyone else the project is not due until May. Ours is due in Feb. So while the other classes get to mingle and collaborate we are off by our elitist selves. I wish we did get a chance to meet with these other classes. I think that the collaboration would be both interesting and informative. Oh well you cant have everything.

Right now its off to Camden for lunch with my cousin, to enjoy one of London's rarities. A sunny(ish) day in January!

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