Sunday, July 15, 2012

Adventures in Voice Recording

I recorded a voice over demo this week. This is something that I have been meaning to do since I moved to London. I put it off while I was in school, but now that I am trying to make my way in the professional world it seemed like the right time. This is something I have been encouraged to do by man different people. Apparently I have a good sound for voice overs!

I was both excited and a little nervous about the recording session on Tuesday. I mean, I have never actually done any voice recording in the past. I was sent a few scripts ahead of time to look over, and when I got there the guys running the session walked me through the process. It was pretty straightforward. They put me in this special sound room and sat me down in front of a fancy microphone. And then basically from there I just read the scripts. We went through each script a few times to get different takes. Between each take they would give me some feedback: suggest different inflections for certain lines, or tell me to speed up and slow down at specific points. Generally though I seem to have a knack for this. There were at least two occasions where they had me read through the scripts first before giving me any input, and then said 'Well, that was just about perfect!' and didn't have me change anything.

The guy who ran the session works for a voice over agency, and I was hoping that they might be willing to take me on after hearing my work on Tuesday. Unfortunately they apparently already have someone very similar to me on their books. However the guy said that he would both keep me in his personal file in case something comes up in the future, and give me other people to contact who might be looking for my type. He was very complementary of my work, saying that not only did I have a good sound, I was great to work with and took direction well. He seemed confident that I would be able to find representation and work pretty quickly.

This was very nice to hear! I am excited to follow up with all of this. I want to start working. I am getting a bit antsy waiting for things to come to me. My agent is rather elusive at the moment and has only sent me out on one audition. Although I am learning that this seems to be the norm for theatre agents. So it will be nice to have a project that I can fuel on my own. I much prefer chasing up all of my own leads, just so I know exactly what is going on.

In the meanwhile though I need to keep focused. I have let things slide a bit this past week, and need to get back to work. The thesis deadline gets ever closer and I still have a lot of work to do. Add to the pile the fact that my lease on my apartment is almost up. My roommates and I need to start house hunting soon. That will be a fun task. We haven't quite figured out which area of town we want to live in next, and there is some difference of opinion on that front. Also one of my roommates has just applied for a job in Brighton. So if he gets it I am not sure what will happen to our house. I don't especially want to find a new roommate. And I am not completely sure Lucile and I could find a two bedroom place we could afford. Ah well, I have a few other options that might turn out, so I will try not to worry about it. At the moment it is all outside of my control so I just have to hope that it all turns out for the best.

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