Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Good News and Bad News

I'll start with the bad news. So you know the visa that I applied to through Central? They did not accept my application. I found out last week. I should get some feedback on my business plan in a week or so, but my guess is that it comes down to profit. I wanted to set up a theatre company to do small productions of new American musicals, but for practicalities sake it would have ended up being a profit share company. However the Graduate Entrepreneur visa stipulates that as my main goal would be setting up the company I could only work 20 hours a week to support myself outside of that. Not really enough to live off of.

So that's a major bummer. I am also a little bit miffed at the way the school has handled the process. Not only did they give us no guidelines or instructions on the application process they took an extra week beyond the proposed date to get back to us. AND when I finally did hear it was a completely impersonal email. I understand that with time constraints etc a form email was necessary, however with all of the effort that I put in I would have appreciated it if they had taken the time to put my name into the email. As someone who has had to send many 'we're sorry but no thanks' emails I know that it doesn't take that much extra time to switch out the name at the front of the email. And really its amazing how much that one slight change makes. This is pretty on par with the way the international students have been treated all year, so really I shouldn't have been surprised.

Now on to the good news. If you remember over the summer I recorded a voice over demo reel. It has taken the better part of a couple of months but I finally started making phone calls to agents. And last week I had a bite! I met with them this afternoon. And... drumroll please.. they want me to join their books. With my visa situation as tenuous as it is at the moment they have offered me a six month contract. But they seemed really excited about having me on their books. Explained that they had been specifically looking for a young American woman because that's what people seem to be asking for right now.

So that is very exciting. I also met with some colleagues of my agent this week to chat about social media. I am hoping that this may turn into a possible job. So I still have some options when it comes to the visa. Crossing my fingers. This may work out yet!!!

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