Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sister Time

Sarah and I spent a thoroughly satisfying day yesterday traipsing around London.  We started off with a trip across the river to procure theatre tickets. After that we back tracked up to Baker Street, the home of that famous detective.

After that we continued along to Oxford Street. Now, Oxford street is apparently one of the biggest shopping areas in the world. I believe it. Frankly its a little bit intimidating! Too many stores, too many people. I had attempted some shopping last weekend as well, and gave up pretty quickly. Yesterday I had hoped for more success because I had a shopping partner. I was on a mission for jeans, because my only pair of jeans here is dieing, and a pair of brogues, or lace up oxford style shoes, because they are cute. We started off at Selfridges, a store that is huge and very very expensive. A friend of mine works there and we wanted to say hi. Well, supposedly he works there. When we finally found the department he works for (which took a little searching) we were told he was at some sort of meeting and would be back in about a half hour. So we wandered around looking at the designer shoes, and exploring the makeup counter for a while. When we came back half an hour later he was still no where to be found. Curious! So since we didnt actually want to buy an expensive suit we decided it was not worth sticking around and fled the scene. Not a moment too soon I believe, the store is a little frightening in its scale and designer-ness.

After that we stuck to stores more in our price range. We found Sarah a cute coin purse, I resisted buying some leather gloves. We tried on comfy sweaters, and winter coats. You would think from all of the merchandise that it was freezing cold outside. In reality it was gorgeous and sunny, and neither of us actually needed a coat. We spent most of our shopping time in a fruitless effort to find the giant Primark (I had seen some great shoes in their window while waiting for a bus one evening) but all in vain. Looking back at Google maps now it seems we went in the wrong direction in the first place, but I blame that on faulty directions at the outset. So after a full afternoon of shopping, even with a shopping buddy, I ended up buying neither of the things I was looking for.

Our walk along Oxford street took us to the vicinity of the British Museum (that was clever planning on my part if I do say so myself!), so after a coffee break to get our second wind we wandered inside. Needless to say we had a lovely time at the museum.

After the museum we had a delicious dinner at a nearby pub. Sarah confessed that since coming to the UK she had not experienced fish and chips, so both last night and the night before we found pubs where that could be remedied. Delicious! It was wonderful to sit around and catch up.

I have many thoughts about the theatre last night. But I think I will save them for a later post. Right now I am off to enjoy the rest of the day with my sister, and then hack away at the copious amounts of homework that I need to do!

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