Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Projects

As I start back into the professional world after taking a year away I am faced with several hurdles to get over. Most of them are the usual ones- trying to break in to the cliquey world of theatre, trying to compete with the millions of other actors out there just like me, trying to keep at the top of my game while I am not working etc. But there is one hurdle that is unique to my situation this year. That hurdle is the visa. I would very much like to stay in the UK, but at the moment I am here on my student visa which runs out in December.

I have found a possible solution though! It is going to take a lot of work, but I think it may all turn out OK. A new type of post study visa has been introduced this year (after they took away the wonderful post study options that used to be in place, grumblegrumble) and that is the graduate entrepreneur visa. Each school is allotted sponsorship slots, Central has 10, to give to students trying to set up businesses in the UK. The visas are good for a year, with the possibility of extending them further depending on the years progress.

Now there are several reasons why I am excited by this possibility. First of all there are a limited number of people vying for these 10 slots. The only people who can apply are non-EU, Central students, graduating this year. There aren't too many of those to begin with, and not all of them are planning on staying in the UK or trying to set up a business. Secondly I have now come up with a great idea that I think I can make work. It is still in the works at the moment though, I have a lot of work to do before the proposals are due in October.

I will tell you guys more once I have nailed things down a bit, but in the meantime I need your help. I need to brainstorm a list of musicals. Here are the criteria, the show must be: New (within the last 10 years), small scale (nothing with a huge chorus or with a big name like Disney behind it), and American. I am looking for fun quirky things, like [title of show] and Spelling Bee. Things like that.

Alright? ........Go

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